Labels:crt screen | envelope | monitor | sky | tribute album OCR: CHESS Chress The United S tat es Fede ration game uni tes peop who wish to play che for fun or to enter the world of ra ted tournament ches No other ont ine game has the USCF' ea 0 approval mor there ano ther W ith ra ted tour rnament th magn tude ional features incl tunn ing graphi ics and beauti fully 2 egant in ter face P. Layers WiLL have the option to choose From host of pay ing iel as chess jeces and V ewpo m while 6e6uo ing in the eaJ6 test strategy game att Tme CAress States Federat USCFs seal naments u6ew itude Addit include stunning beaut TULLY ewpoints engag